Benvingut a el Restaurant La Ciudadela

Hostalers des de 1946

Al Restaurant La Ciudadela venerem la gastronomia local.
Partim del millor producte de mercat i reproduïm les receptes casolanes que han anat nodrint una tradició familiar hostalera que es remunta a 1946.

El nostre objectiu és simple: oferir als que ens visiten un lloc agradable en el qual gaudir de bon menjar, bona beguda i bon servei.

Vine només, amb amics o família, aquí sempre et sentiràs com a casa.

Vicente Lladró

Vicente Lladró

Carta Restaurant

Carta Menú

Gran varietat de plats a triar a la carta o dins del Menú Ciudadela

Carta Tapes

Carta Tapes

Li oferim una gran varietat de tapes



Vins, caves i cerveses

Menjar Per Portar

Per Portar

Amb recollida al nostre local o lliurament al seu domicili

Les nostres cartes

Des esmorzars fins a sopars. Consulti les nostres cartes de restaurant, entrepans o tapes

  • Esmorzar

    de 8:00 a 12:30
  • Dinar

    de 13:00 a 16:00
  • Sopar

    de 19:30 a 23:00
  • Begudes

    Todo el día

Durant el servei de mig dia vam realitzem dos torns de reserves: de 13:00h a 15:00h i de 15:15h a endavant.

Recomanem que acudeixi amb reserva. Si us plau contacti’ns per consultar disponibilitat.


TEL. +34 933 099 557

Què opinen els nostres clients?

  • Eñ menú del mediodía con una paella muy gustosa, con ese arroz muy bien echo. El africano muy gustoso i un poco escaso en los postres, buen servicio i lugar muy agradable.

    domenec vintro Avatar domenec vintro
    11 March 2020

    Recommended from local people , the food was amazing with reasonable prices. Fast service and no problem communicating in English. Nothing extraordinary as far as the decoration is concerned. Definitely try the paella.

    Sk Κlt Avatar Sk Κlt
    23 February 2020
  • I came for a spot of lunch and to sit in the sun on the terrace. The staff were friendly and the food excellent. It appears popular with the locals. I would recommend the prawns, which were cooked to perfection.

    Mark Brenchley Avatar Mark Brenchley
    22 February 2020

    Un fijo siempre que vengo a Barcelona. Tienen un menú bastante completo pero recomiendo pedir alcachofas y de segundo rabo de toro. Muy buena relación precio/calidad.

    Miguel Angel Orozco Castro Avatar Miguel Angel Orozco Castro
    18 February 2020
  • Relación calidad precio muy buena para estar ubicado en muy buena zona del centro de Barcelona. Nos sorprendió, ya que des de fuera tiene una apariencia un tanto lujosa. Local encantador, servicio correcto y comida muy buena.

    pol pacheco romero Avatar pol pacheco romero
    8 February 2020

    Gran lugar por ubicación y servicio( quizás a veces la espera no es lo deseado pero es muy raro que suceda). El sabor de sus platos es genial. La atención es recomendable y al tener terraza y zona interior es un plus agradable. Muy buen trabajo! Éxitos

    Jesel Granadillo Avatar Jesel Granadillo
    24 December 2019
  • Have had many a meal now as well as a light lunch. Staff are always really nice and no complaints about the food. Great value for money too. Will keep returning.

    Jeannette Walker Avatar Jeannette Walker
    11 December 2019

    We loved this lovely little hotel. We almost don’t want to review it to keep it our secret. As we arrived they treated us like family. Our room was perfect. An inner room that was clean, dark, quiet and cool which allowed us to nap and beat the jet lag. The location is perfect right by a beautiful park and the gothic quarter. The restaurant was delicious and so convenient.

    Chris Jacobs Avatar Chris Jacobs
    20 August 2019
  • Stayed for our vacation. This is an absolute value for money place to stay. The hotel is at a great location just around the park. Bus stop, and train stations are very near, so commuting to any place from here is not an issue. This has a great restaurant. We enjoyed our breakfast and dinner here very much. The rooms were clean, house keeping was regular. The staff was very helpful. We left a luggage behind, and they were kind enough to courier it to me, as soon as we contacted them.

    Ujjyal Sarkar Avatar Ujjyal Sarkar
    14 August 2019

    We loved this lovely little hotel. We almost don’t want to review it to keep it our secret. As we arrived they treated us like family. Our room was perfect. An inner room that was clean, dark, quiet and cool which allowed us to nap and beat the jet lag. The location is perfect right by a beautiful park and the gothic quarter. The restaurant was delicious and so convenient.

    Chris Jacobs Avatar Chris Jacobs
    20 August 2019
Menú del día

Vam elaborar un menú diari variat amb productes frescos de temporada


Coberta i climatitzada

Salons Privats

Espais per a grups de fins a 12 persones


També tenim habitacions acollidores i confortables

Benvolguts clients,
Us informem que del 13 al 26 de gener (tots dos inclusivament) l'establiment romandrà tancat per vacances. Preguem disculpeu les molèsties.

Fins a la tornada!